2025 Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, the 16th Annual Meeting of the BICA Society (BICA 2025), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, August 6 - 10

BICA AI Society will hold a conference (Virtual and Person-to-person) in collaboration with CUCOSTA center of the Guadalajara University located in Puerto Vallarta Mexico
Important Dates
- Submission deadline: April 17, 2025
To submit your original works for the BICA-2025 hybrid conference, please follow the link to the Easy Chair website (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bica2025).
Registration Fees for Virtual and On-Site Participation
For virtual participation:
- $250 Early-Bird
- $350 Regular
For on-site (face-to-face) participation:
- $450 Early-Bird
- $550 Regular
- $150 Guest
Other fees:
- $50 Extra Page Fee – per page in excess of 8 pages for Springer papers only
- $35 Tour on site
- $50 Regular 1-year BICA Society Membership for non-participants
- $35 Affiliate 1-year BICA Society Membership for non-participants
- $25 Student 1-year BICA Society Membership for non-participants
Papers may be published in either Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence (SCI) and some will be recommended for submission to Elsevier Cognitive Systems Research (CSR).
Papers must be at least 4 pages. Optimal lenght is from 6 to 8 pages including references. Papers longer than 8 pages will be subject to an extra page fee. Initial submissions must be formatted strictly based on the provided Springer templates (https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/liyrv617lk7stccocv0o2/AFxgMLdH1NGig3tUmlls2IM?rlkey=mozq6xdrrxx4rq6roiebvrvtv&dl=0).
Antonio Cervantes (U. Guadalajara) — Point of Contact: antonio.alvarez@academicos.udg.mx
Félix Ramos (Cinvestav GDL) — General Chair: felix.ramos@cinvestav.mx
Kyrtin Atreides (AGI Laboratory) — Financial Chair: Kyrtin@AGILaboratory.com
Tingting Liu (CST Ningbo U.) — PC Chair